all errors at the MID-WAY PvP

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Cash Shop
Vote Point
do not flood, posts only bugs and errors

-accretian HQ siedge kits max 65lv
-very very fast levelings
-gold capsules from flem cannot be used
-dont have armor (no money)
-with fast levelings - cannot farm
- no turrents in crag (и возможно во всех заставах тоже)
- cannot mine around portal in crag
- dont have manual about this server
- empty craft list at specialist
bugs and suggestions
u change textur to normel gold pig npc of this one
sell rate of loot is not upped
cant use gold pils
can u ad a system like when u are lvl 70 u can stil farm flems
plz increase class buf duration to 1080 sec
ad the summon leach system like when u last hit mobs ur summons wil ged exp
rf bin stopped working when i port to hq
need to reset all ui settings when u log out or dc
need lvl 106 to go in belph holy land and belph pb is realy big
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Hi guys i can't play pvp server, I just downloaded the game, all files MID-WAY GAMES PROJECT part 1-4 and the exe file, when i run the exe file, it extracts until near the end and then it gets data error, I've tried redownloading the files and extracting over again but still same thing happens. So i figured i just try running the files it extracted, so I closed it and then i run the update.exe file thinking it might download the missing files that didn't get extracted, it finished updating and get to the log in part,after login and choosing pvp server it shows me this:

Please help
Hi guys i can't play pvp server, I just downloaded the game, all files MID-WAY GAMES PROJECT part 1-4 and the exe file, when i run the exe file, it extracts until near the end and then it gets data error, I've tried redownloading the files and extracting over again but still same thing happens. So i figured i just try running the files it extracted, so I closed it and then i run the update.exe file thinking it might download the missing files that didn't get extracted, it finished updating and get to the log in part,after login and choosing pvp server it shows me this: View attachment 1075

Please help
Your client was isntalled incorrect. Try to reinstall, because there is no all data upacking from installer.
So I had 3 Billion Dalant on Bellato, Got disconnected and had 2 Bilion when i logged back in? So im guessing theres only a 2 Billion Dalant Cap? Quite harsh at considering MAU cost at 70.
Also cash shop wont allow me to buy anything on bell side.
67 MAU ARMS ARE BROKEN! NO animation, No Figures on screen, just buggy af
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The same happened to me but I only have about 500m in the bank. All of it has now gone :(. I also lost 4m at the start of the game and admins never gave it back to me. Admins please do something as we can't survive on nothing.
Happened same Cido to me... close 1b GOLD (normal) and after relog i have only 500 000.

Tera fire ammo for flame thrower (30000 ammo sold in Rare Vendor) is not massive ammo (dont hit area)
Found some more bugs, for premium after 67 lvl you get 57 lvl armor set, and didnt get any bonus items after 66+( like said in 1.3 pach). Still cant buy any items from cash shop. Still losing money after relog( cap still at 2b)
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